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White Tara


White Tara statue made of copper with brass finishing.

Hand-painted 24K gold face.

6.2 inches tall.

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SKU: 0013 Category: Tag:


This statue of White Tara is made of copper with detailed brass finishing.
White Tara: Skt. Sitatārā; Tib. སྒྲོལ་དཀར་ Drol-kar, White Tara brings serenity and long-life, and counteracts illness. She embodies enlightened compassion and is said to be as white and radiant as the moon. She has two arms seated on a white lotus and with eyes on her hands and feet, as well as a third eye on her forehead (thus she is “Seven eyed”). Also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra, she along with Green Tara is the most popular representation of Tara in Tibet.

Additional information

Weight 1.43 lbs
Dimensions 2.6 × 4.7 × 6.2 in